Position Statements
In pursuit of its mission to eliminate drowning and water-related injury in Canada, the Lifesaving Society articulates and promotes its official positions on issues about aquatic safety through its position statements and published aquatic safety standards.
The Society has issued position statements on the following topics:
Air Quality
Certified Attendants
Contract Lifeguarding
Defibrillator Use
Infant Swim Lessons
Rescue Aids
Sun Protection
Swim Test
Minimum Lifeguard Certification
The National Lifeguard award is more than just a lifeguarding course and certification card used for employment purposes. It builds on the fundamental skills, knowledge and values taught in the prerequisite lifesaving awards. It develops the practical skills and knowledge required by lifeguards in accordance to the Society's position in areas of aquatic safety and industry standards.
In the event of a serious injury or drowning, issues of liability may arise. Employers and their certified National Lifeguard's who responded within the scope of their training will have the Society's full support.
The Society is called on to provide expert witness services to the Courts and other parties in the areas of aquatic safety and industry standards. The Society's testimony will reflect the Lifesaving Society's standards, publications and research into drowning and injury prevention, water rescue and aquatic safety systems.
The National Lifeguard standard is backed by a full range of safety services provided by the Society that support the design and operation of safe aquatic facilities. The Lifesaving Society has published a series of Safety Standards, which set the minimum standards for operating a safe aquatic facility. With the help of the Society, facility operators can conduct Aquatic Safety Audits based on these Safety Standards ensuring that the facility is following safe operating practices.
Lifesaving Society - standard setter for Lifeguarding in Canada
The Lifesaving Society, which certifies all lifeguards across Canada with its National Lifeguard award, is recognized nationally and internationally as the authority for aquatic standards and safety in Canada.
Tasked by the founding members of the National Lifeguard Service, the Lifesaving Society has, since 1965, stewarded the program to a level of great distinction. The National Lifeguard Award has become the ultimate standard for lifeguarding in Canada and is recognized internationally by the Royal Life Saving Society Commonwealth and International Life Saving Federation.