Season Startup with the Lifesaving Sport Website

At the beginning of the Lifesaving Sport season, club leadership/coaches will need to complete the following tasks:

  1. Activate the club – this will generate an $80 invoice for the 2024/2025 Club registration fee. 
  2. Add club administrators and coaches. 
  3. Add new athletes. 
  4. Set athlete status to “pending” for athletes that will compete in the 2024/2025 season – this will generate a $20 invoice/athlete for the 2024/2025 athlete fee. 
  5. Manage waivers for athletes and coaches. 

We understand that this process can be a bit daunting, especially if you've never done this before. As such we've created a guide that walks through each step in detail. If this is your first time running a Lifesaving Sport club, or if your unfamiliar with using our sport website, we highly recommend that you view the document below.

Lifesaving Sport Season Startup Guide