Join Our Board of Directors!

The Lifesaving Society Alberta and Northwest Territories Branch is seeking volunteers to serve on our Board of Directors! 

Why Join Our Board?

Gain Experience in Governance!

  • Become part of a governing body that provides strategic leadership to a volunteer organization and registered charity. 

Shape and Share our Vision!

  • Collaborate with professionals of various expertise to translate our vision into policies that reflect our purpose and outline the delivery of our mandate. 

Make a Difference!

  • Guide and inspire the initiatives and direction of the Lifesaving Society AB & NWT Branch. 

Become Part of Our Team Today!

We are looking for members who are:  

  • Proactive and future-oriented 
  • Focused on the bigger picture 
  • Collaborative and welcoming of diverse perspectives  

Members will also commit to: 

  • Working 60 - 80 hours per year
  • Attending Board and Society meetings as well as special events (travel, nights, and/or weekends may be required of you). 

*There will be a minimum four meetings per year, 1-2 of which may be overnight. 


If this sounds like you, then read through our Recruitment Package for more information and instructions on how to apply. Submit your Expression of Interest and required documentation to