One Month Since First Aid Mandatory Update Launch

On May 27, our First Aid Mandatory Update was rolled out on our Online Academy. Now that approximately one month has passed since the launch date, we would like to remind Affiliates, First Aid Instructors, First Aid Trainers, and anyone who may have missed the initial launch communication, about the details of the update.

Before continuing, we highly recommend you read two previous communiques we published on the subject, if you haven't done so already: one from April 9, and one from May 27

The April 9 communique describes the overall timeline of the update, such as the dates when old resources will be retired, and new ones introduced.

The May 27 communique was published the same day the Mandatory Update was launched, and details many other important aspects of this update, such as who it affected (and did not affect), price changes, due dates, and more.

Below, we will summarize the above communiques, as well as announce any recent updates made since the launch.

Affects First Aid Trainers and Instructors Only

This update is intended for First Aid Instructors and Trainers only. Anyone holding a current Basic or Intermediate First Aid certification will not be impacted, as these certifications will remain current for their full listed currency period.

First Aid and Instructors and Trainers certified before May 27, 2024 are required to complete the Mandatory Update by August 31, 2024.

Deadlines for Trainers, Instructors, and Affiliates

(The following is described in further detail in both the April 9 and May 27 communiques)

First Aid Trainers MUST complete the new Mandatory Update prior to conducting any First Aid Instructor Original or Recertification courses.

As of the launch date, previous First Aid Leadership resources are now retired, and the new resources must be used in all First Aid Leadership Courses.

Previous First Aid Candidate resources (used to teach Basic and Intermediate courses) will continue to be available until August 31, 2024, and facilities may continue to conduct Lifesaving Basic and Intermediate First Aid courses with these resources.

As of September 1, 2024, Instructors will not be eligible to teach Lifesaving First Aid courses without having completed the Mandatory Update, and courses must be delivered using the updated resources.

Missing Insert in Workplace First Aid Coursebook

In the initial May 2024 printing of our Workplace First Aid Coursebook, an activity sheet meant to be included on page 6 was left out. As such, this activity sheet will be added as an insert to our current remaining printed copies. After those have been used up, we will begin shipping newly printed versions of the coursebook with the activity sheet included.

For those of you who have already purchased and received the May 2024 print, you should have received a direct email with a digital copy of the insert. If you would like a printed copy of the insert, please let us know and we will mail it to you free of charge.

In the future, we ask that affiliates and First Aid Instructors please check the print version of the coursebook being used in their courses, to ensure that this activity is not missed.

Thank You

If you have any questions about the content of this or the previous communiques mentioned, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at