National Drowning Prevention Week Information

National Drowning Prevention Week Flag Raising Ceremony
The Lifesaving Society designates the third week in July as National Drowning Prevention Week to focus community and media attention on the drowning problem and drowning prevention. This year, National Drowning Prevention Week is July 21-27.
We invite you to join us for a special National Drowning Prevention Week flag raising ceremony at the Homeless Memorial Plaza (located just North of Edmonton City Hall) on Monday, July 22 at 10:00 AM. The City of Edmonton will display the National Drowning Prevention Week flag on the community flag pole at the Homeless Memorial Plaza for the duration of the week.
Friends, family and colleagues are all welcome to attend.
National Drowning Prevention Week Proclamations
The Lifesaving Society Alberta and Northwest Territories Branch has sent out letters to all Mayors and Reeves of Alberta as well as all Mayors and Chiefs of the Northwest Territories, asking them to proclaim July 21-27 as National Drowning Prevention Week in their municipality.
Support this campaign and encourage your community to proclaim July 21-27 as National Drowning Prevention Week.
All proclamations received by the Society will be posted on our website and shared on our social media accounts. Be sure to share your municipality's proclamation.