COVID-19: Requirement for Re-opening Swimming Pools

On June 12th, 2020, Alberta Health Services released requirements for facility owners and operators for re-opening swimming pools. Owners and operators should call their local public health inspector with AHS to discuss any questions they have about these requirements.
The Memorandum can be viewed on the Lifesaving Society Website
In addition, Government of Alberta Guidance for swimming pools has changed since its first release. The most recent release can be found here:
As this is an evolving response to a global pandemic it is important to realize that advice and recommendations may change. We will provide updates and clarification on this guidance as information becomes available. We encourage everyone to remain up to date by following current recommendations regarding the COVID-19 response from the Government of Alberta.
Guidance for the Reactivation of Aquatics in Alberta
The Lifesaving Society has released a guide for aquatic operations and programming titled Re-Activating Aquatics in Alberta to be referenced by facility owners and owner's agents as they prepare for relaunch. This guide will be updated as public health guidance changes. 
A webinar will take place for affiliates, Wednesday June 17th at 11am to review these guidelines and provide an opportunity for affiliates to ask questions. A separate e-mail will be sent with the invite.
Lifesaving Society Affiliate Delivery Partners must be aware of and abide by the most current guidance contained in the following links: