COVID-19: Recreation Facilities Ordered to Close to the Public

On March 17, 2020 the Government of Alberta declared a state of emergency due to COVID-19 under the Public Health Act. New public health measures are now recommended to limit the time Albertans spend in large crowds and crowded spaces. Effective immediately:

  • No attendance is allowed at recreation centres (including: swimming pools, arenas, gyms, community centres, and children's play centres)
  • All events over 50 people must be cancelled

While aquatic facilities are closed to the public, Alberta Health Services has released information for operators:

  • Microbiological water samples are not required and do not need to be sent to the Provincial Laboratory while the aquatic facility is closed.
  • Facilities are expected to continue to maintain re-circulation rates and chemical parameters in accordance with section 3.0 and 4.0 of the Pool Standards, July 2014 (Amended January 2018) for all basins.
  • If considering draining any pool basins, please notify local utilities and follow their guidance/instruction.

The Lifesaving Society will be here as recreation facilities move to return to normality. We have extended certifications as a first step but will continue work closely with any affiliate delivery partner to support when the time comes to restore operations.

As this is an evolving response to a global pandemic and it is important to realize that advice and recommendations may change. We will provide updates and clarification on this guidance as information becomes available. We encourage everyone to remain up to date by following current recommendations regarding the COVID-19 response from the Government of Alberta.  

You may find updates and releases from the Government of Alberta at, updates from Alberta Health Services at or through the Government of Canada at