February Q&A Session Follow-Up

This month's Q&A session with our Sport Coordinator, Amy Swedlo, was held on February 18. Although we typically do not distribute summaries or follow-ups for these meetings, this most recent session was just so jam-packed with important discussions that we knew we had to ensure all of our Sport community was kept in the loop.
Below you'll find the topics covered at this month's meeting, as well as some new ones. Amy will continue to discuss these topics further at next month's meeting, so we highly recommend signing up if you haven't already! Keep reading for a link to register!
If you have any questions about the stories below, please reach out to Amy Swedlo at AmyS@Lifesaving.org.
Branch News
Volunteers Needed!
We're still looking for volunteers for our final two competitions of the season, as well as Provincials! Sign-up forms can be found below:
- Lethbridge, March 8 - 9, Lethbridge
- Camrose, March 22 - 23
- ABNWT Championships & Junior Games, April 4 - 6
As of writing, we have filled 47 Provincials shifts, but we need to fill 91 more! that still need volunteers! All volunteers get free food and an Officials t-shirt (sizes are subject to availability, so the earlier you sign up, the better chance you have of getting the size you want). Plus, you get a way closer look at the action than on the bleachers!
Special thanks to the City of Camrose Tsunami, who currently have the highest number of volunteers out of all our clubs!
2025 - 2026 Competition Season
Now that the 2024 - 2025 season is nearly finished, it's time to start preparing for the next one!
If you would like to have your club host a competition next season, please start thinking about potential dates. We'll be discussing further details at next month's Q&A with Amy on March 18.
Register for the meeting here!
Draft SERC Guide
On February 21, a copy of the draft SERC guide was emailed to the primary Club Admin for each club. If your club did not receive this information, please contact AmyS@Lifesaving.org and she will send a copy of the email to you.
The SERC Guide will be a topic of discussion at next month's Q&A with Amy on March 18 at 2:30pm. The registration link can be found in the above section.
REMINDER: Addendum to ABNWT Competition Manual
Earlier this month, an addendum was made to the Alberta and Northwest Territories Competition manual outlining changes to sections 3.3 (Manikin Carry) and 3.5 (Manikin Carry with Fins).
To read the addendum, please visit the Competition Manuals page on our website.
Hytek Licensing Information
Any competition hosted by an ABNWT Lifesaving Sport Club must have a valid HyTek license. If you're interested in hosting a meet or competition next season, ensure that you've purchased the correct HyTek license(s):
Club License:
- With a club license, you can host a meet anywhere you want, but only your club can use the license.
Site License:
- A club license can be upgraded to a site license for an annual fee of $250 USD (approx. $358 CAD). With a site license, any club can host a meet/competition, but only at the facility with the site license.
When purchasing a site license, any add-ons that are not included with your existing club license will need to be purchased separately.
- For example, if your club license had the capability of using the Dolphin Interface, but for your competition you wanted to be able to use other timing systems such as Wylas, Quantum, or System 6, you would need to pay the one-time fees for those systems in addition to the annual fee for the site license.
If you are planning on hosting a meet/competition at your facility next season, we recommend purchasing a site license. Licenses, as well as the add-ons mentioned above, can be ordered from the HyTek website.
If you need any assistance with obtaining a license, please reach out to Amy!
National News
CPLC 2025 Registration Package Now Available
The 2025 Canadian Pool Lifesaving Championships is scheduled to take place May 9 - 11 in Windsor, ON. The registration package is now available, and we ask anyone interested in attending to please read it carefully, as it contains important details and deadlines.
Teams wishing to practice in the competition pool prior to the scheduled warmup times need to contact jjolicoeur@citywindsor.ca and hprieur@citywindsor.ca for available times and fees.
To volunteer as an official, sign up using this form!
REMINDER: Changes to Canadian Lifesaving Sport Manual
Earlier this month, Lifesaving Society Canada released two new manuals to replace the 2019 Canadian Competition Manual.
The standards outlined in these new manuals will be used at CPLC in May, as well as CSLC in August.
For more details, and to access the new manuals, please see our February 6 communique.
Call for Interest: National Sport Coordinator
Lifesaving Society Canada is looking for a Sports Coordinator to join their team. This is a permanent, full-time position, and they will be accepting applications until March 7, 2025.
If you're interested in this position or know someone who might be, see the full job description here.