Alberta Enters Stage 2 of Reopening Plan

Today a number of restrictions across Alberta have been eased as the province moves forward with its reopening plan. While we are still waiting on the publishing of the latest Public Health Order which will provide additional clarity and set the expectations for this stage we would like to share the information below with members and delivery partners.
Highlights of Changes Related to Swimming Pool and Aquatic Centre Operations
- All indoor and outdoor sport and recreation activities are permitted provincewide
- Indoor recreation, entertainment and other settings (rec centres, arenas, casinos, cinemas, theatres, museums, galleries, libraries, etc.) – open at 1/3 of fire code occupancy
- Pools, steam rooms, saunas, and hot tubs within a fitness facility may operate at one-third capacity (2 metre distance between households)
- Trainers and instructors may be able to come within 3 metres distance of a client/participant for brief moments to correct form or help demonstrate. However, they must be masked during the interaction and sanitize hands before and after.
- Gyms and fitness studios – open for solo and drop-in activities and indoor fitness classes with 3 metre distancing
- Youth activities (day camps, overnight camps, play centres) – resume with restrictions
- Youth and adult sports – resume with no restrictions, indoors and outdoors
- Work from home order is lifted but still recommended
- Distancing and masking requirements remain in effect
- Outdoor recreation facilities can open with no capacity limits, but 2 metres distance must be maintained between members of different households.
- Physical distancing is not required during game play or sports practice, but is required outside of play/practice.
- Spectators can attend indoor and outdoor physical activities and performances:
- 1/3 venue capacity for indoor activities (arenas, theatres) and for outdoor fixed-seated (grandstand) events
- 150 people maximum for non-fixed seated events (this limit includes spectators, athletes/performers, production teams, referees and coaches)
- 2 metres of physical distancing must be maintained at all times
For for information visit
Additional Guidance to Support Stage 2 Reopening
- Outdoors, people participating in physical activities are not required to mask.
- Indoors, masking is required for sports that are primarily low-intensity physical activities (e.g. bowling).
- Masking is not required for individuals doing low-intensity aquatic activities in swimming pools, whirlpools or hot tubs.
- Indoors, masking is not required for high-intensity physical activity during sports play/practice.
- Masking is required in all other areas of the facility (e.g., change rooms, washrooms, entries and exits, etc.) including at all time immediately before and after activity.
The guidance above is subject to change. In the event that information above contradicts guidance published by the Government of Alberta or a Public Health Order the public health order and government guidance will prevail.
Certification Courses
The Society reminds members and delivery partners that certification courses continue to be permitted under the current guidance and strongly the delivery of courses both original and recertification to maintain a pool of qualified individuals to support aquatic operations. We also encourage members to maintain current qualifications to support the reopening of the industry.