2019 Canadian Championships

DATE: May 4 – 5, 2019
LOCATION: Town of Oakville – Iroquois Ridge Community Centre, 1051 Glenashton Road, Oakville, ON L6H 6Z4 905-338-4255.
COMPETITION: The competition is sanctioned by the Royal Life Saving Society Canada. Event rules will be in accordance with the 2019 Edition of the Canadian Competition Manual and any 2019 Communiqués.
ELIGIBILITY: All competitors must hold a current Bronze Cross or National Lifeguard certification, be 15 years of age or older, and be a registered athlete.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Registration must be received by Wednesday April 24, 2019. Refunds will not be issued after April 24th, nor will they be issued for clubs or competitors who do not show up for the Championships.
Click link below for Athlete Registration Package
2019 CLERC Athlete Registration Package
For further information please contact the Lifesaving Society Ontario Branch
Phone: (416) 490-8844
Fax: (416) 490-8766
Email: sport@lifeguarding.com
Call for Officials
The Lifesaving Society invites applications from Officials to officiate at the 2019 Canadian Lifeguard Emergency Response Championships.
Applications are invited from all suitable persons who wish to be considered for appointment for these Championships. If you wish to be considered, please complete this form and submit it to Lorraine Wilson-Saliba.
The Canadian Emergency Response Championships will take place May 4 & 5 in Oakville, Ontario.
Travel expenses for all officials are to be paid for by the individual. A limited accommodation budget is provided for this championship for those officials from out-of-town. Where possible please make arrangements with friends or family.
Food and drink will be provided to officials while you are volunteering during the Championship events.
For more information, please visit The Lifesaving Society website at www.lifesavingsociety.com.
Thank you for your continued support of Lifesaving Sport.
Click the link below for an Officials Application form
2019 CLERC Officals Application Form- EN
2019 CLERC Officals Application Form- FR
DATE: June 1 – 2, 2019
LOCATION: City of Markham – Markham Pan Am Centre, 16 Main Street Unionville, Markham, ON, L3R 2E4. 905-475-4730. See www.markhampanamcentre.ca for more information.
COMPETITION: The competition is sanctioned by the Royal Life Saving Society Canada and the International Life Saving Federation. Event rules will be in accordance with the 2015-2019 Edition (Revised 2017) of the ILS Competition Rule Book, the 2019 Edition of the Canadian Competition Manual, and any 2019 Communiqués.
ELIGIBILITY: All competitors must hold a current Bronze Medallion or higher certification and be a registered athlete. 15-18 years competitors must be at least 15 years of age by June 1, 2019 and not older than 18 years of age on June 1, 2019. Open competitors must be at least 15 years of age by June 1, 2019. Masters competitors must be at least 30 years of age by June 1, 2019.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Registration must be received by Tuesday, May 21, 2019. Refunds will not be issued after May 21st nor will they be issued for clubs or competitors who do not show up for the Championships.
Click link below for Athlete Registration Package
2019 CPLC Athlete Registration Package
For further information please contact the Lifesaving Society Ontario Branch
Phone: (416) 490-8844
Fax: (416) 490-8766
Email: sport@lifeguarding.com
Call for Officials
The Lifesaving Society invites applications from Officials to officiate at 2019 Canadian Pool Lifesaving Championships.
Applications are invited from all suitable persons who wish to be considered for appointment for these Championships. If you wish to be considered, please complete this form and submit it to Lorraine Wilson-Saliba.
The Canadian Pool Lifesaving Championships will take place June 1 & 2 at the Markham Pan Am Centre in Markham, Ontario.
Travel expenses for all officials are to be paid for by the individual. A limited accommodation budget is provided for this championship for those officials from out-of-town. Where possible please make arrangements with friends or family.
Food and drink will be provided to officials while you are volunteering during the Championship events.
For more information, please visit The Lifesaving Society website at www.lifesavingsociety.com.
Thank you for your continued support of Lifesaving Sport.
Click the link below for an Officials Application form